
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 02/05/2017 - 02:57

Hexagor.io is a strategy io game where you can team up to conquer more territory. Hexagorio is one of the few strategy games that I consistently play, its a very thought intensive game however so to fully enjoy it its advised you have some experience with other strategies. You start off with a small home base and conquer adjacent land plots in order to increase your territory, doing this will expand your troop and also ensure that your home plot is better defended.


Submitted by 939 on Sun, 02/05/2017 - 02:57

Deeeep.io is an ocean-based free for all io game. It can be compared to mope.io in that your main objective is the climb up the food chain and dominate the ocean. You start off underwater as a human and aim to evolve into bigger and stronger animals to increase your chances of survival.


Submitted by m0dE on Sun, 02/05/2017 - 02:57

Braains.io is a team-based io game where you're either on the zombie side or human one.

As you may of guessed from the title Braains is a zombie survival game and its a bunch of fun! Each server can have up to 50 players, 1 starts as the zombie and his objectives is to spread the infections by tagging the humans. The humans objective of course have to survive the whole match duration without being tagged, its hard to out run them however so it is recommended to barricade yourself somewhere safe with other players.


Submitted by Smashingtonn on Sun, 02/05/2017 - 02:57

Warin.space is a space themed battleship game that pits you against enemy fleets for control of the galaxy. Unlike other io games that promote individual skill war in space focusing on encouraging team play, because of this you need to remember that numbers win here and excellent teamwork is the way to be successful!


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 02/05/2017 - 02:57

Zlap.io is a free for all combat arena where you start as a blob-like character with a flail as your weapon. Everyone’s flail does the same amount of damage but as you claim kills your flail grows in size making it easier to catch people off guard.


Submitted by LapaMauve on Sun, 02/05/2017 - 02:57

Limax.io is another awesome io game similar to slither however instead of playing as a snake you play as a glowing worm type character and take people out with a trail instead of your body. The cool thing about Limax that makes it different is size doesn’t guarantee people are stronger, even the smallest players can take on the top scorers through tactical play!


Submitted by HiddenMonsters on Sun, 02/05/2017 - 02:57

Curvefever.io is a super addicting and entertaining Slither-style io game; not to mention highly competitive. The game is all about trying not to crash before your opponents. Although your only able to move left and right its not as simple as it sounds, there are tons of power ups available around the map and other things that can give you a much needed edge over your opponents.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 02/05/2017 - 02:57

Wormax.io is another awesome Slither-like io game. You start off as a small snake and aim to get bigger through eating food. One of the biggest disguishing features in Wormax however is the power ups which we’ll discuss in more detail below!


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 02/05/2017 - 02:56

Blockor.io is a battle io game based on the mass of shapes you're able to create to destroy your opponents. You start off small and collect other shapes of different sizes in order to grow your mass and take out enemy shapes!


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 02/05/2017 - 02:56

Narwhale.io is an action io game with an epic battle between the unicorns of the sea. Do you like Narwhals? Do you like sword fighting? So how about using a Narwhals horn as a sword, and choppin other Narwhals up?! The concept of this game is so incredibly simple but so much fun, I’ve been playing it for just over half an hour now and I’m already hooked! The arena size is reasonably small which means a whole ton of action, you’ll never get the chance to sit still with over 20 other players launching themselves at you.