is a new Battle Royale IO Game where you are forced to Loot other players, build a base, farm materials, kill your opponents & avoid the storm!. Will you be able to get the Victory Royale? Do you have whjat it takes to outhink your opponents, outplay them, and become the ultimate Krunt? You may think you have what it takes to Krunt but you won't know until the Krunt hits the fan. So slam into this hard core crafting, base defense, and battle royale game where only the Krunt survive.
How to Play:
E - Interact with ground items, chests and cars
Left click - Shoot your weapon
Q - Toggle build mode to build walls (you will need to use your left click to build the wall)
Space - Jump over mostly everything in the map! You can even jump through houses
Shift - Sprint
R - Reload your weapon
M - View the map and plan for the zone closing in
From 1 to 6 - Switch guns, you can also switch your guns with the wheel of your mouse
Drop & move your inventory - You only need to click the gun and move it where you want.
ASSAULT RIFFLE: The standard assault rifle spans the entire height of the rarity ladder, which means it’s difficult to talk about the weapon as a whole. While little separates them in terms of damage and reload time, the true modifier is accuracy.
SMG: The SMG gun shoots faster than any other gun, its also the gun that has more bullets. The reload time is pretty standard and the damage executed by this weapon is low. This weapon is perfect for close range.
SCAR: Is by far the most useful all round weapon, the gold legendary SCAR is the best gun in Its accuracy, damage, and fire rate mean that one-on-one you'll have a massive advantage in almost any situation. Which is great if you can get one - its legendary status however means they're rare, so basing a winning strategy on getting one of these isn't always an option.
SHOTGUN: Is the best gun for close range, it shoots multiple bullets per shoot and you can shoot twice before you need to reload.
After you press play you will be teleported into the lobby, you will have to wait there few seconds till all the players are ready. Once everyone is ready the game will start and you will be teleported once again to the Battle Royale map.
The first thing that you need to do is be fast and loot! In order to loot you will need to open the chest around the map. Make sure to use the Potions & Mini-potions to complete your shield if you get them.
The second thing that you need to do is farming materials. Later in the game you will need to build walls to protect yourself from the enemys and in order to do that you will need alot of materials.
The third and last thing is hunting & killing the other players! Only one player can win so you need to kill and survive in order to win.
One more thing that you need to be looking at, is the zone. The zone will keep making the map little and little and you need to avoid it because it will cause damage on you. The first zone will only hit you 1s, the second zone will hit you 2s, the third zone 4s, the fourth zone 8s and the fifth will hit you 16s!
Make sure to share with your friends! Enjoy playing!
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